To keep the site a bit more interesting, I am adding a new section. A close person friend of mine, Seth Keith, is going to be writing Tales From The Crypt recaps. He is starting with the first one and will do the entire series in order up to and including the movies. His style is a bit different from mine as his recaps aren’t as spoilery as mine are. We do share a similarly dark sense of humor though.
Anyway, I figured this would be a nice addition and something you can read on the way to work, at work, in a dress, on stage in a dress, in public in a dress, and so on.
I’ll be posting the pilot tomorrow night but I think I’ll put new episodes up on Wednesdays.
First episode is up
sounds fun!
Hope you enjoy it ^^
I love that show, i remember as a kid staying up late just to watch a single episode every saturday. It will be nice to see a review of this show.
It’s an old favorite of mine too. Now that he is doing these it makes me want to see if HBO Go has the series up.
I’ll definitely check them out. I remember this series very well.
By the way, I have a VHS copy of Bordello of Blood in my basement in a bin of VHS tapes. Bought it in 1999 for $10 at Suncoast Video while I was on a weekend trip to Baltimore. I was 16, and I saw the movie because Dennis Miller was in it. Dennis Miller was (still is) my hero. Unlikely choice of entertainment for a 16-year old girl, but I never said I was normal!!!!!!
Anyway, hope everything is going good with Episode 100, I am soooo waiting for it!!!
I love Bordello of Blood and I think it is the best of the TftC movies. Dennis Miller improv’d most of his lines and made the movie way funnier than the original script. He is a piss and while I may not use giant words like he does, I like to think I share a bit of his sarcasm.
Everything is going pretty good. At this point I’m just looking to get episode 100 finished! It’s overwhelming! (but in a good way)
I saw Miller in person twice in Atlantic City – he was excellent!!!!!
My favorite part is the Super Soaker scene, now THAT is a montage! “Cha Ching!”
I actually rented the movie first when I was in 10th grade, and bought it the following summer. I’m glad he improv’d his scenes, because he is not that great of an actor, and any punching up he can do goes a long way. I remember seeing the commercial for it in the summer of ’96, when I was 13 (almost 14), and thinking that Super Soaker scene was just beyond epic.
I’m sure its overwhelming in a good way, and is going to be something great when it is finished.
I’d like to thank Cecil for the opportunity to write these for his site. I’ve been a fan of the show for years and I’m happy I can express my thoughts on the episodes (and especially happy to write spoiler free recaps, everything else I’ve come across spoils the entire episode for people). The best part is I know I haven’t seen all of them so some will be a new experience for me (particularly the movies, none of which I’ve seen, much more of a TV buff than a movie one). I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.