Cold Prey
A Norwegian horror film about a bunch of friends out snowboarding. One of them breaks his leg, and they are forced to take shelter in an abandoned hotel.
This was a terrific slasher that came from out of nowhere. The spooky setting of the old hotel worked so very well, and the kills were vicious. Once things went sour, the speed of the film took off, and there was nary a dull moment.
Originally, the film came out in 2006 overseas, but it took years before it finally made its way to the US. I had heard rumors that the delay was because they were investigating the possibility of doing a US remake, of course. Not sure if that is true, but it wouldn’t surprise me. I had already imported the entire trilogy years before they were released on DVD in the US (Cold Prey 1 hit the US in 2009, part 2 in April of 2013, and part 3 still isn’t out in the US yet).
The reason the film worked for me was because the killer’s determination was furious, and the group knew they couldn’t go outside the hotel at night or they would die of exposure.
The other thing was the characters had what felt like human reactions to what was happening. Bad things happened, but it was never really because they did something overwhelmingly stupid, which is a formula a lot of movies use. It was just a bad decision or bad judgement that would often put them in a bad situation.
While this does have the feel of a traditional slasher on the surface, the directing and the location really make it stand out from the pack.
what do you think of blood and shadow warrior from 3d realms?
I liked Blood and Blood 2. Lots of silly fun.
So are all 3 worth a viewing and importing? If so where would you suggest importing it (I import games but never movies)?
Really liked Dead Sno when that was released (which wasn’t that rumored as well to be in line for a American bastardization) and this doesn’t seem like it add humor plays it straight horror.
I liked all 3. You can import them easy from You would need either a region free dvd player or you can watch them on your computer. I just checked and someone is selling the trilogy on ioffer for $14 shipped. I will forwarn you, they usually just send the movies in paper sleeves. (although it would be region free and the cheapest way to get them all) I’ve bought a bunch of stuff from there in the past so if you see someone has a good rating then you don’t have to worry about getting screwed over.