Well, sort of. Even though I have been doing episodes since March of 2010, I didn’t start the website until November 11th, 2010. So this is the site’s 1 year anniversary. Thing have been growing in leaps and bounds since then and I owe it all to you fine folks. I want to thank you all for visiting and enjoying my overzealous nitpickings of movies you probably never heard of. I hope I turned you on to at least one new favorite.
It’s been a great year! I have lots of plans for the site over the next year. I have some collaborative projects I’ll be working on, my annual holiday specials, and hopefully the release of the two short films I shot this summer.
Thanks for sticking around. More goodness to come.
Happy (sorta-kinda) birthday!
Thanks so much!
Congrats! Here’s to many more episodes!
Thanks! I have some great ones lined up for the next year.
Congratulations, Cecil!!!! keep up the good work