If you want to hear more about Fake Movie Holidays check out This Exists – https://www.youtube.com/user/thisexists The long and troubled history of Empire Records.
One comments on “Exploring Empire Records (feat. This Exists) – Episode 206”
Viewer on said:
Wow, can’t believe it’s been 20 years already… The movie never clicked with me personally, buy I can get why people like it. Singles and High Fidelity were always closer to my heart than this. To me, Empire Records always seemed like more of a studio movie, than a down to Earth movie. Maybe I just dislike the cast and the nigh sitcom script and “happy” colorful direction.
Wow, can’t believe it’s been 20 years already… The movie never clicked with me personally, buy I can get why people like it. Singles and High Fidelity were always closer to my heart than this. To me, Empire Records always seemed like more of a studio movie, than a down to Earth movie. Maybe I just dislike the cast and the nigh sitcom script and “happy” colorful direction.