6 comments on “Dude Where’s My Job? – Cecil Unscripted – Good Bad Flicks”
Keith on said:
Wow Cecil, that’s really tough about your job. I’ve been through the lay-off thing before…it can be extremely depressing. It’s good that you have your family there for support and that you’re seeing a new opportunity through all the bad. I’ll certainly be linking/sharing your work more often…hopefully you’ll pick up a few new supporters. Best wishes to you and yours.
Wow Cecil, that’s really tough about your job. I’ve been through the lay-off thing before…it can be extremely depressing. It’s good that you have your family there for support and that you’re seeing a new opportunity through all the bad. I’ll certainly be linking/sharing your work more often…hopefully you’ll pick up a few new supporters. Best wishes to you and yours.
Thanks! I’m going to be working harder than ever to make this little interwebs show even more wonderful.
can you do i top 10 hencjmen list?
Would that be films or video games?
Your empathy is overwhelming.