Comments Are Working Again
I was getting slammed with spam and so I installed a spamblocker plug-in. At first it worked and I wasn’t getting any more spam. Then something went wrong with an update and it started blocking everything. I fixed it so it should be all good now. So please, comment away!
On the set of The Avengers now with video
Some cool behind the scenes video. A few explosions and some stuff with extras.
On the set of The Avengers
This past week I was lucky enough to be on the set of The Avengers. The film looks amazing and it was beyond cool to see all this behind the scenes stuff. I’ve been on sets before but never something as large scale as this. I was blown away. If you want to see more […]
Technical Difficulties Update
Due to an overly busy schedule this week’s episode will be delayed a few days. It should be ready either Tuesday or Weds. Check back then! EDIT: Howdy folks, sorry for the delay this week. I ended up being way busier than I initially intended. Anyhoo, this past sunday’s episode is moved to this coming […]
The Crites have invaded my desk
Now I just have to keep them from eating everything.
Donations Appreciated!
Donations Appreciated!