The latest edition to my desk
My Tunneler statue from The Puppet Master Series. Not sure where exactly I’m going to put him…can’t leave him there, he’s blocking my screen! EDIT: Oh, this week’s hint is coming tonight!
It’s Friday, Friday…
Well it looks like the remake of Friday the 13th won the vote. I’ve already watched the Blu-ray twice and wrote about 5 pages of notes. I’m going to be watching it a few more times while I script it out. The things I do for you people! Well, at least I get to see […]
If you need me I’ll be under here
Sorry folks, no new episode this week. A combination of projects and I lost my voice. Stupid weather. This is what happens when it is 60 degrees one day and snows the next. What planet is this?! I was hoping to have something else to put up this week in it’s place but that is […]
New Project? (Cast your vote on the sidebar)
This is actually something I have been toying with for a while. In the past few months I’ve received emails and messages from folks asking for a full commentary. Now, since this is a huge endeavor I would just like to know people would be interested. Here is what I aim to do. Here are […]
Donations Appreciated!
Donations Appreciated!