First off, the hurricane really screwed up my schedule so the episode for Silent Hill will be out this coming sunday.
With that out of the way, All Request January! Last year was a smashing success with Catwoman, Suburban Commando, Re-Animator, and Killer Klowns from Outer Space. What will they be this year?
Here is the deal. For the next two weeks give me all the movies you want to see me do. You can either list them in the comments of this post, email them to, or post them on my facebook wall. At the end of the two weeks (11/14) I will take the top 20 most requested videos and put up a voting poll. For the next week you can then vote for the top 4 you want to see. That gives me all of December to get the episodes together. (also to track down the movies if I have to)
I try my best to do requests during the year but sometimes for whatever reason, I just can’t get to them all. This is your chance to tell me what you really want to see. You want Breakin? You got it. You want TMNT 2 The Secret of the Ooze? Done. Maniac Cop? Troll 2? Simon Sez? Lawnmower Man? You tell me.
So, request away and thanks!
EDIT: One more day to add your picks! The list is great!
Dragonslayer still needs some GBF love!
And just to make your life difficult: House of the Dead. I dare you.
Dragonslayer is a classic. It still has one of the most startling scenes ever for a PG movie. (you know the one I mean…towards the end…I think we may have talked about it before) Anyway, yes, this movie does need some love!
Oh dear lord Uwe Boll’s House of the Dead. I saw this the day after I saw Kill Bill for the first time. (in the theater no less) I’ve only ever watched parts of it afterwards…ok, I just watched the scenes with Erica Durance skinny dipping. I bought the DVD ages ago for $1 and was given the “funny” edition Boll released as a joke. I’m willing to give it another go but I have a feeling it will sit where most of his work does. I would love his movies on the “bad” level if they had better pacing. The ones I’ve watched have had long, incredibly boring parts.
Fun fact! House of the Dead 2, which was not directed by Boll, is an AWESOME zombie movie. Seriously. If you haven’t seen it, see it now. I’ll be doing an episode on it eventually but take my word for it, it is a lot of fun. Very campy, very bloody, and some great laugh gags. I wish they kept the series going in that direction.
First, I’m gonna second Crypticpsych: Drive Angry totally deserves being done. That was an awesome throwback.
It’s too bad Dragonslayer’s viewed as a joke because it’s a surprisingly deep movie. And yeah, there’s a couple shocking scenes in it. I may like Krull more, but I think Dragonslayer’s a better movie (and who expected it to be an allegory about Christianity’s spread to the British Isles?!) and hasn’t gotten the respect it deserves. I mean, the practical work that went into Vermithrax Pejorative was mind-blowing!
I’ve never seen HotD2. After the trainwreck of the original, I didn’t bother. I mean, the original wasn’t so bad it’s good, it was just terrible.
Oh! I thought of another movie that hasn’t gotten the respect it deserves: Alien 3. Back when the Quadrilogy box first came out I rewatched it, and was surprised that it was a lot better than I remembered. Ressurection’s still crap, though.
I may give Drive Angry another year before doing it. I’ll add it to the list and if people vote it I’ll do it but I might give it some more time out there. It is awesome thought and its not like I need an excuse to watch Amber Heard in short shorts for 90 minutes again. Aroooogah! Although, it is very odd for me to see Hope from The Heights riding a bored looking Nic Cage as he blasts a bunch of things while mid-coitus.
Dragonslayer is one of the best “dragon” movies ever made. Kind of sad that even with all the technology we have they still can’t make a movie that holds up like that. Dragonheart was good (I love the chemistry between the dragon and the knight) but the villain was awful and the ending kinda hokey. Reign of Fire had massive potential until they cut the budget in half after they started shooting.
Look for HotD 2. Seriously. It has nothing to do with Boll’s movie, aside from a brief mention and the name. Its a lot of fun.
Alien 3 is the shit! Both versions! Like you said, Alien Ressurrection…ugh. A few good moments but a mishandled script and a botched ending.
Oh good pick! I have the comic book that came with the VHS.
Ring of Steel!
Awesome. I have been slacking on my Joe Don Baker movies.
Ohhhh let’s see here….
Blood Diner
Death Spa
Resident Evil
Troll 2 (since you mention it)
Shoot ‘Em Up
Return of the Living Dead 3
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers
Death Race 2000
there’s more, but I’ll save em for next year.
Shoot Em Up would be easy because that movie is pure awesome.
Oh I very much agree. I just think it’s underappreciated.
Excellent picks. Shoot em up totally flew in under the radar. Good grief that movie is fantastic.
I’ve been trying to do Return of the Living Dead 3 forever but I’m having trouble trying to get it in under an hour. I have way too much love for that one. (and for Melinda Clark for that matter)
Yes, don’t we all. 🙂
Death Race 2000
Ms. 45
They Live
The Porky’s Trilogy
Great ones! I’m actually surprised I haven’t done Lifeforce already. Very cool and bizarre flick.
I love the Porky’s movies but trying to do comedy with comedy is tough. We’ll see.
Ms 45! Great revenge flick.
TMNT 2 absolutely…I’m not a fan of the movie at all, but it’ll be great to see if you can sway my opinion at all lol…
Other recommendations…No Holds Barred, Video Game Movie special (Or if not at the very least Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat), Demonic Toys (I will not stop recommending this lol), Dragon Wars (never seen it, but it looks like one of the greatest comedies of all time), and of course Troll 2.
TMNT 2’s biggest downfall is that it isn’t TMNT 1. Its not that it isn’t a good movie, it is, just that the first one was so good.
No Hold’s Barred…why do I have the feeling I’m going to do every Hulk Hogan movie? (glances over to see 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain on shelf)
lol Demonic Toys is silly. I’m waiting for Full Moon to release it widescreen. They just started putting out the Puppet Masters on Bluray in WS and released the lost version Trancers 2.
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter…I’ve been holding off on these for too long.
Dragon Wars is actually pretty good. I thought it was fun but somewhere it was labeled the worst thing ever. I’ve seen far, far worse. This was kind of cool. Silly yes but enjoyable. It would make for a good episode.
Mr. Nanny is also long overdue 😛
You laugh now….you’ve seen my DVD wall lol
No Holds Barred (89)
Mortal Kombat 2
The Punisher (2004)
Spiders (2000) –
Bridge of Dragons.-
Excellent. Although…eshhhhh MK2…that one is so bad! It probably would be fun to do though. I watched it with a good friend about a year ago and we completely shredded it.
I really didn’t like MK2 the first time I saw it in the cinema but since then it has become a perfect good bad movie with ultra-cheesy dialogue, constant fighting and jumping around and terrible CGI effects.
No Holds Barred and Bridge of Dragons would probably be at the top of the list.
The Punisher (2004) has gotten some mixed reviewed but I thought it was one of the better comic book movies and a departure from the big budget blockbusters that the director in the commentary laid out what he didn’t want The Punisher to be a mindless shoot’em up fest that is exactly what the horrible sequel Warzone was.
I don’t see anybody posting comedies so I will add Superhero Movie (2008) that I thought was the funniest comedy of 2008 (you will probably disagree with me on that) and Big Stan.
They rushed MK2. Hopefully they learned their lesson and the new one will be great.
Bridge of Dragons kicks ass but then, so does most of Dolph’s 90s action movies. (especially his Punisher)
I loved the Thomas Jane Punisher. I thought it set up the franchise well. The sequel was good in that it was so over the top violent. Although, Dirty Laundry could be the best Punisher movie ever. They need to put Jane back in charge of the franchise and pick up where the short left off.
People claim certain films as the worst, but the first two of my list are worse than those:
1. 1998’s “Asylum of Terror” (not to put anyone down, but this is, I think, the worst of the worst. I don’t think I have seen anything worse than this movie).
2. 2008’s “Marina Monster” (the monster is a shark looks like an inflatable pool toy that sings)
3. “Megan is Missing”. I’d really like your take on it (it has two horrible images, but also a static shot lasting around 12 mins. of a man shoveling)
4. Kim Jin-won’s “The Butcher”. A grueling film. Due to the way this was shot, there is basically no escape for the viewer (with the effect that you are in the situation).
5. Maybe Dario Argento’s “Opera”, where the killer tapes needles to a characters eyes, and kills someone in front of her (something at which a person would usually close one’s eyes), while she is tied. At the time it was the most intense movie I had seen (the needle part esp.).
6. 1998’s “Goodbye, 20th Century”. I haven’t seen this, but it was compaired to “Christmas Evil” on IMDB, which I know is up your alley.
7. 1981’s “Possession” (featuring the work of Oscar winner Carlo Rambaldi)–could be interesting to see your take.
8. 1999’s “Audition” (“Ôdishon”). If you haven’t seen it, do not look at the poster or cover. I have shown to two people who get into the story, and then, suddenly… The reaction is something.
9. A video store owner recommended this to me, but I don’t know…. I am throwing it out there with advanced apology (and caution): 1974’s “Sweet Movie” (an ending the features characters who killed themselves with sugar–the actors are told to get up because the movie is over, if I recall correctly–a bizarre movie that resulted in an actress’ native country banning her from returning to it).
10. Two movies I have not seen but might be interesting to get your take: 2002’s “In My Skin” and 2011’s “The Skin I live In” (this one I knew about for about a decade, and the plot seemed so outlandish, and it finally got made).
11. I don’t think you would maybe ever do this one, but it would be interesting to see how you would try to pull it off. There was a scholarly piece written about it, seeking deeper meaning in it, like what it had to say about gender and roles (which is funny, considering what the “movie” is about): “Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood”.
The first first three of my list are the ones in which I would be most interested in seeing you do.
Once I saw the cover for Asylum of Terror I remembered it. Sooooo bad. I caught this on one of my VHS binges in the 90s.
Marina Monster…how have I not heard of this before?! Tracking down now.
I keep seeing Megan is Missing on Netflix Instant. I’m curious now.
Good on the rest of these. Audition might be tough because, well, is a doozy of a movie. Miike is one of my favorite directors.
Flowers of Flesh and Blood might be tough because it is f’ing brutal.
krull (1983) or Hawk the Slayer (1980)
two of the most underrated fantasy films in my humble opinion
oh and keep up the good work.
Krull and Hawk the Slayer now that would make a good double feature!
Oh, and one day I will own a Glaive! However for now I will settle for the board game.
Blood Diner, i requested it last year and i request it again!
I kept waiting for the Blood Diner special edition to be released (it exists!) but for whatever reason they won’t release it.
I do have a nice clean import of it though.
I just bought an official release of it for 5 bucks. Unfortunately its not special edition and came with 5 other movies. A very unceremonious release of a such a bizarre classic .
A shame Lionsgate just dumped it like that.
Glad to hear you’re okay.
I’ve been following videos reviews of “bad” movies on blip tv for years now and there are two cult classics that I have yet to see anyone have the cohones to take on: “Batman: The Movie” and “Starcrash”.
Though now that you mention it TMNT 2 sounds promising, if only because I saw it recently and because David Warner is in it. He’s a great “geek connection” and the number of gags you could make about his roles is all but limitless.
Just look at the highlights of his filmography listing: Star Trek, The Omen, Time After Time, Tron, Time Bandits, Waxwork, Twin Peaks, Lois and Clark, Batman: The Animated Series, Gargoyles, Freakazoid and some movie called “Titanic”.
David Warner always adds that extra bit of class to every movie he is in.
Thanks! Things are ok over here, thankfully.
Starcrash! Wow, I was just talking about this the other day along with Battle Beyond the Stars.
Cannibal Holocaust
Battlefield Earth
Teen Wolf Too
any ozsploitation film
Oh no not Battlefield Earth! lol
Cannibal Holocaust is rough. I have it but haven’t watched it in a long time.
I’ve been slacking on my Ozploitation. Perhaps Mad Dog Morgan? Howling 3 The Marsupials?
i would love you to make fun of battlefield earth but i understand how cruel it would be to make you watch it
cannibal holacuast is seriously one of the most disturbing things i have ever seen it makes thriller look like bambi
as far as ozploitation take your pick i always feel the cheesier the better i would just skip mad max i feel it has been done to death by others
I wouldn’t consider Mad Max “bad” anyway. For Ozsploitation, I’d say Howling 3 or Turkey Shoot.
Ooo… you could do an all Most Dangerous Game month! Turkey Shoot, Surviving the Game, Naked Prey, the Pest…
Yeah, Mad Max is pretty much iconic.
All of those movies are on the list. Good lordy I love The Pest. I’ve seen it so many times I can sing the intro/outro song pretty much at will. Voodoo mambo!
Oh and Turkey Shoot? 🙂
in my defense i do not consider mad max bad i feel it is over analyzed.
I have a stack of Ozploitation so the hard part would be deciding what to do first.
The Man from Hong Kong
Alvin Purple
Long Weekend
Road Games
BMX Bandits
and so on
Here is a list of things I would love to see your take on:
Troll 2 – seriously this is great and Im surprised you haven’t done it yet. Hell there is even a documentary to accompany the movie by the kid who was in it.
Creature – seriously it was a awful movie but I have seen it a dozen times now because it was so bad.
Meet the Feebles – I want to see more people turn on to the sick side of Peter Jackson. This was crazy off the wall and a great film. My wife accidentally mistook this for one of the Muppet movies for my Nieces. Needless to say now I have my own shelf for “Josh” movies to avoid confusion ever again.
Trick R Treat – I loved this. It’s one of my favorite horror films in a long time. But it has that polarizing effect of people they either LOVE it or can’t stand it.
A Uwe Bowell (sp) special – so much to pull from alone in the dark to Bloodrayne to Postal. All awful flicks but I can’t stop watching.
The Monster Squad – one of my favorites. Has that Goonies feel but with classic horror characters. After seeing this I actually want to go watch the classic monster flicks when I was five or six. And “the wolfman has nards”. That alone should give it a go.
The Last Starfighter – sure it’s a rip off of Starwars but man its glorious. Guy plays video game well and then bam drafted into a space war.
Troll 2 is probably my most requested film of the past year. I love it to bits.
I’ve heard how horrible Creature was, which only made me want to see it more.
Meet the Feebles…ah old Peter Jackson. Its hard to top Bad Taste and Dead Alive.
Good ones all around.
They Live?
It’s about to get a Aniversary Blu Ray release that I just preordered
Awesome movie. I have the bluray on order as well.
Which Creature?, There are at least three movies called Creature, Hope you not taking about the Peter Benchley Tv Movie
I would love to see you do Dolemite or the it’s sequel The Human Tornado!
I love Dolemite. Its up for debate if this or Shaft is my personal favorite Blaxploitation.
Glad to hear that you and yours are doing okay,Cecil. As for the Request list,I second Joshnorm on The Last Starfighter and The Monster Squad(love that scene where Dracula grabs the little girl and says,”Give me that bitch!”-don’t know what that says about me that I find that so damn funny!) but have a few of my own:
Mystery Men: Ben Stiller and company doing the second rate superhero thing. Yes,it strays from the source material quite a bit but it’s just so quirky,plus how many movies have William H. Macy threatening to eat an egg salad sandwich?
Once Bitten: Jim Carrey’s vampire teen sex comedy. Some great moments with Cleavon Little and Lauren Hutton,a goofy dance battle of love and a funky theme song.
Demolition Man: two words-SIMON! PHOENIX! Also,I love this line-“This is the future-where are all the phaser guns at?”
Mazes and Monsters:Granted,it’s a made for TV movie but it does have a young Tom Hanks who gets carried away with the D&D type of game he’s playing with his friends,plus this fun line: “I walk with Glacia,the Fighter!”
Thanks for the concern! 🙂
Last Starfighter is great. I picked up the special edition Bluray a few months back. Monster Squad is right up there with the Goonies. Amazing stuff that should be better known.
Mystery Men you say? I have a tornado in a can around here somewhere…
I’m good for the rest too.
I’d like to request a couple of B-action classics:
-Bridge of Dragons starring Dolph Lundgren (or any other Issac Florentine film)
-Magic Crystal: an insane E.T knock-off starring Andy Lau and Cynthia Rothrock
-Sudden Death: Jean-Claude van Damme fights a girl in penguin suit
More Dolph is always a good thing.
An ET knockoff with Cynthia Rothrock and this is the first I’ve heard if it?!? I’m getting this now.
Sudden Death is terrific. That fight scene is GOLD. Love the helicopter at the end too.
HAHA! I love Magic Crystal! Never would’ve thought to have a Hong Kong movie on the site but that movie would be perfect!
Here’s one for you: Tank Girl. A bizarre post-apocalyptic comic book adaptation that pits Lori Petty against Malcolm McDowell, Ice-T as a mutant kangaroo man, what’s not to love?
Ah Tank Girl. Wow did they underestimate the costs on this one. This movie is bonkers…and it has a young Naomi Watts as Jet Girl who looks ravishing as a brunette.
Brush yo teeeef!
Roller Blade Please. This is such a chessy movie.
Excellent. I’ve been wanting to do the whole series.
You got it!
Good to have you back again :).
So here’s some stuff:
– Lifeforce (1985)
– I was a Teenage Zombie (1987)
– Hider in the House (1989)
– Blown Away (1994) (The Jeff Bridges/Tommy Lee Jones one).
– The Net (1995)
– The Big Hit (1998)
– Vampires (1998)
– House on Haunted Hill (1999)
– Virus (1999)
– Ghost Ship (2002)
And I want to second Meet the Feebles & Battlefield Earth (which is in no way a good movie….but….strangely you can’t look away).
Thanks good to be back. 🙂
Hider in the house now there is one I haven’t thought of in a while.
Blown Away the Tommy Lee Jones one and not the one with naked Nicole Eggert? 🙁 lol
Lots of Dark Castle, I’m good with that.
Why do I have the feeling I’m going to do Battlefield Earth? What have I done?!?!?! heh
At least you’ll get Mathilda May in Lifeforce ;P
I know the Dark Castle Movies (at least the first ones) were in no way cult movies. If I remember correctly they were trashed by the critics and horror fans at that time. But I was entertained and had a great time watching them. 13 Ghosts is another one of those. It’s campy goodness.
I like Virus because it reminds me of a horror movie with Walter Koenig. I think it was Moontrap. Watched it as a child and scared the shit out of me ^^. mmmh how about that one?! 🙂
Vampires is John Carpenter and therefore might not count as a good bad flick (the man is a legend!). I still have the dvd…must rewatch that sometime. I just think it’s a forgotten one of his movies.
The Big Hit is like “Very Bad Things” a nice dark comedy which are forgotten…. the Very Bads Things ending was dark (and great).
As far as Buddy-Movie-Night experiences go, Caligula was another….erm…. special event. We rented it without knowing the movies history after a friend recomended it. Expected historical gore….got….yeah right ^^.
PS: Hider in the House == Gary Busey dokumentary ^^
The Simpsons: Gary Busey’s guide to Restraining Orders
Sleepaway Camp
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers
all three are underappreciated gems
Sleepaway Camp is outstanding. At this point most people know the end but I don’t know if I can bring myself to do it. I’ll do it if it gets voted but I probably wouldn’t give it a full episode. I just love it too much.
DARYL would be great fodder. A very fun movie.
My requests are pretty much 80s except for maybe one or two films
-Demons 1&2
-Street Trash
-Surviving the Game
-Ballistics: ecks vs. severs (Catwoman status)
-Troma’s War
-Terrorvision (1986)
-9 Deaths of the Ninja
-Action Jackson
Yes on all counts. Ecks vs Sever is TERRIBLE. It is laughable in that magical way though. Some of the most dull action scenes put to film.
A big yes for Action Jackson. Carl Weathers is the best! This would have been a great franchise.
– King Kong Lives. The scene where Kong busts in and guys just start randomly falling from platforms, wrecking cars, etc., the exploding bulldozer, cracks me up every time.
– Lifeforce. Probably the best naked space vampire from Halley’s comet zombifying London + pretty decent effects + Patrick Stewart movie ever made.
– Invaders From Mars – Tobe Hooper version. I think he made it right after Lifeforce.
– The Ice Pirates. Haven’t seen this one in forever.
– Mighty Peking Man. Caught this one on IFC a few years ago. Wow!!!, just Wow
Good stuff, all of them.
Holy crap, I haven’t thought about The Mighty Peking Man in forever. Great pick.
richard stanley’s hardware: this movie has never been talk about and you can’t go wrong with a post aapocalyptic movie about a killer robot in a apartment building, heavy metal music, acid trippy visuals, stacy travis naked, the song the order of death by public image ltd. the directors cut came out in 09 and i feel its very underated and never talk about much.
dee snyder’s strangeland: an overlooked late 90’s somewhat weird slasher with dee snyder playing a character name capt howdy, and alot of other references to other horror movies.
the immortals: a overlooked crime thiller with eric roberts, tia carrere, tony curtis, joe pantoliano, chris rock, kevin bernhardt, brian t finney, kieran mulroney, clarence williams III, and william forsythe. and the fact that on its first run on hbo the original music was dead man’s party from oingo boing was playing during the movie and in the end credits but was changed later on.
the island of dr moreau the 1996 version, nothing special, just want to see your oppinion on it.
dust devil: another movie from the same director of hardware, an south african slasher movie with a twist which stars robert john burke, chelsea fields, zakes mokae, and the special edition final cut was release in 2006.
dead end drive in from director brian trenchard smith about a post apocalyptic future where teenagers are sent to a drive in theater that is turned into a high security prison.
graveyard shit and the mangler
Hardware and Dust Devil you say?
Richard Stanley is one of the most underappreciated directors of all time. Two brilliant movies that were completely mishandled by the studios.
Great choices.
First off you are great! Your reviews are the best I have seen. How about Night of the Demons.(1988) Or any of the Full Moon lineup. I really enjoy those.
Night of the Demons is a rarity because I like the original and the remake.
I figure I’ll eventually do all the Full Moon catalog. I’m just hoping they put more of them on Blurray in widescreen. They are going slooooooow.
Almost forgot one when talking Shoot ‘Em Up earlier….
Drive Angry.
I’m sticking with Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare.
Good choice to stick with.
Halloween III:Season of the Witch
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2:Freddy’s Revenge
Good stuff. Cursed has a back story that is more interesting than the actual movie.
I also forgot about The Prophecy
Oh, yes. Halloween 3 is so unfairly attacked and it’s freaking amazing!
I know its a more recent movie but Super was a really great and sadly overlooked movie.
Super was amazing. (I was tempted to say Super) Such a shame it was so overlooked. Even I was guilty because I didn’t like Dwight from the Office. However when I found out Gunn directed it I knew I had to see it.
Sleepaway Camp
Sleepaway Camp II – Unhappy Campers
All three movies are underappreciated gems
Awesome. Again. 😛 🙂
I’ve already posted my choice. 😀
Here are some of my favs not already listed, that might be cool episodes.
The Pit
The Deadly Spawn
No Holds Barred
The Prophecy (mutant bear and Chris Walken version)
There’s Something Out There
Leif Jonker’s Darkness
Slaughter High
Day of the Animals
Combat Shock
Demolition Man
Good ones! Especially Deadly Spawn!
Surviving the Game
Wing Commander
Barb Wire
Road House
Classic. Barb Wire I’ve been wanting to do for a while. I was a big fan of the comic and while the movie was just a vehicle for Anderson’s assets, it was a good bit of fun.
He’re my top 7
-They live
-Troll 2
-Demoni 2
-Demonic toys
-Saw 2
Good ones, although I don’t know if I could ever bring myself to do any of the first 3 Saw movies. If it gets picked I’d probably have to do a serious one like with Silent Hill.
Hi Cecil!
You did “Rad” already, which I agreed with you was an awesome movie – in fact, I watched it yesterday. So no need to request.
How about:
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde (yes, the Sean Young/Tim Daly movie! – Jim Carrey and Daryl Hannah were supposed to be in it originally as the male lead and his repressed fiancee, but Sean Young was the first, last, and only choice for Helen Hyde – surprised?!)
That’s all I can think of at the moment.
Sean Young really went bonkers there for a while. I remember when she was trying to get the gig as Catwoman in Batman Returns. She was going to meetings dressed as Catwoman. Needless to say, it didn’t work. lol
That’s because she was bitter about being removed from the original Batman, as she was supposed to be Vicki Vale. Yes, she went batshit crazy for awhile, no wonder she was a shoo-in for the role of Helen Hyde. I had the opportunity to converse with the director of “Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde,” David F. Price, a few years back via You Tube, and he really shed some light on some of the production aspects of the film, including Sean Young’s pregnancy – 3 months during pre-production, 6 months when the film wrapped. They had to work to really cover it up. In some scenes, you can spot it if you know what to look for.
Spellbinder was just awesome – one of my friends loves how Mrs. Roper is in it, and how she’s so evil.
Can you tell I love Tim Daly?
I mentioned this on the Facebook page, but There’s Nothing Out There has got to be done, it’s long over due.
Agreed, I meant to type There’s Nothing Out There, not “Something.”
Gotcha. 🙂
I’ve already suggested these movies to you via e-mail some time ago but I’ll repeat myself anyway 🙂
– “Faust: Love of the Damned”: directed by our favourite Brian Yuzna, this flick is insane, but in a good way. It reminds me of a superhero movie as done by David Lynch.
– “The Order” (known also as “The Sin Eater”; frankly, I like this title better): one of my favourite so-bad-it’s-good movies. The director and some of the cast of “A Knight’s Tale” returns to make this flick. Heath Ledger plays a priest haunted by doubt concerning his faith. He must fight a mythical man known as a Sin Eater who… well, eats people’s sins so they can go to Heaven. Apparently the movie was supposed to be ‘artful’ but it treats itself so seriously that it becomes hilariously pretensious. Plus, Peter Weller plays a Black Pope! (He actually studied old religious rituals and histrionics for this role. Not that it was really necessary, though.)
I’m shocked by my lack of Peter Weller movies. The Sin Eater/The Order was such a weird premise but it worked. Oddly enough though, I hated Knight’s Tale.
Of Unknown Origin and Naked Lunch would make great episodes. Firstborn is a great and super underrated movie but would probably be a hard to do GBF episode to pull off.
Bordello of Blood…I’m a female and its a great movie! So bad, its good!
Bordello is great entertainment! Although I’ve been holding off on the Crypt movies because me and Keith are going to do some sort of cross review for each of them as they appear in the Crypt timeline. (or something like that)
For clarification (when I was planning on reviewing them anyway), after season 2 I wanted to review Demon Knight, after season 4 will be Bordello, season 6 will be the 2002 movie Ritual, then at the end, I was thinking of going back to the old movie and reviewing that as well, and comparing how they match up with the remakes/tv show.
I don’t know how I forgot to mention this movie in my list but Ninja Turf (or L.A. Streetfighters). This movie… *sigh*
How can you go wrong with Philip Rhee?! 🙂
over a 100 comments, wth; Last year their where 8 of us.
i guess your already filled up with request. How about some strange other country horror flicks.
Especially interested in some Spanish/Mexican horror flicks that you like.
Well, things took off a little this past year. Still room for plenty more growth as far as I’m concerned! (you should see the email lists…huge!)
No way! Keep requesting! The more votes for a specific film here makes so it will have a better chance to get in the top 20 list.
Thought of one more – ‘The Car’. Love that movie. I have the horn sound as a ringtone.
Mmmh talked earlier about “Very bad things”. Still think it’s a movie worth reviewing.
*Grown up corner*
How the hell did they miss *dead…pussy*. Sorry, don’t know how else to describe it. I’ve never…. ever…..never ever seen anything like that bevore in a movie which stars Christian Slater & Cameron Diaz. Don’t get me wrong: It was and it is one of my favourite scenes in the movie ;P…. I just don’t understand how it got on the big screen ^^
Maybe because of this movie I couldn’t get a kick out of “The Hangover” ( Fuck they’re making a P 3??? )
Hey Cecil, Hope your doing well, and I loved your reviews, and I’m interested in Endless Descent, I’ve bought a VHS tape of it to watch, anyway here are my requests, and the groups they go under
Guilty Pleasures and Little Gems:
League of Extraordinary Gentleman (2003)
Small Soldiers (1998)
C.H.U.D. (1988)
Deep Rising (1998)
Masterminds (1997)
The Keep (1983)
Proteus (1995)
Primal Force (1999)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
The Quest (1986) (AKA Frog Dreaming)
The Guardian (1990)
The Dark Side of the Moon (1990)
Shocker (1989)
Leviathan (1989)
The Relic (1997)
Death Ship (1980)
Prison (1988)
Razorback (1984)
Silver Bullet (1985)
Watchers (1988)
Species (1995)
Mimic (1997)
The Faculty (1998)
Lake Placid (1999)
The Beast (1996)
Creature (1998)
Scanners (1981)
The Gate (1987)
Dinocroc (2004)
Rogue (2007)
Deathwatch (2002)
The Stepfather (1987)
I doubt you would do any of these, but I’d like to see how you do “Begotten” and “The Cat” and “Samurai Cop” seem to be in your area of interest.
1990’s “Begotten”–that would be interesting if you could pull off this one.
Maybe “La Bete”, but that is the “most” evil film.
2000’s “The Isle” (apology in advance)
2003’s “Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America” for the first segment, “Cutting Moments” (involves scissors and lips).
1992’s “The Cat”.
1989’s “Samurai Cop”. Called, “The greatest bad movie ever made” over at
1991’s “Rubin and Ed”. Crispin Glover playing a character on a quest in the desert to bury his cat.
From the man who directed Clint Eastwood movies, including the second “Dirty Harry” film, 1973’s “The Baby”. Disturbing. A surprisingly violent and bloody film for a “PG-rating”.
2005’s “The Champagne Club”. “Salo” is considered extreme, but this is overlooked.
2009’s “Dogtooth”. No one seems to know what it is about and the director apparently refuses to say.
Andy Warhol moves such as “Sleep” (about 5 and a half hours of a man sleeping), “Eat” (about 30 mins. of a man eating a mushroom) or “Empire” (about 8 hours of a shot of the Empire State Building). I heard about “Sleep” from a man who saw it, I think, in its initial run. He said something like the sleeping man would turn over and the audience would think something was going to happen and people were sleeping in the theater.
David Lynch’s “Six Figures Getting Sick (Six Times)”.
Sergei Eisenstein’s “Ivan the Terrible”. Reportedly the man whose direction influenced George Lucas and Steven Spielberg (I watched his “Alexander Nevsky” and it looked like Spielberg and directed it in parts). I have not seen this one though.
Andrei Tarkovsky’s “Andrei Rublev”. I have seen this and this would be a challenge. Or even your take on any of Tarkovsky’s films.
“The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World” would be a challenge (48 hours long), or the 10 day long “Modern Times Forever (Stora Enso Building, Helsinki)”.
Will you be doing Christmas themed films in December?
If you do can I suggest Reindeer Games
Man the trailer for that movie was terrible that makes it look like a bad comedy like Forces of Nature.
Fire in the Sky(1993) and Surviving the Game(1994).
Have you heard of “freaked”? Great movie! Staring Alex Winter and Randy Quaid!!! Cameo by Keanu Reeves.. Right up your alley. I know its not well known or popular, but many of your reviews I’ve never heard of and have now watched. Pretty please!!!! 🙂
Freaked is outstanding! Mr T as the bearded lady lol. I’ve had my eye on doing it for a while.