Thanks for reviewing this! One f my favorite in the “It’s the 80’s…lets throw some martial artists together” series of films! Like you Cecil I grew up watching many of these movies either on late night cable or at my local Mom and Pop video store. One summer as a freshman in high school I think I ran through the entirety of every ninja movie released to that point that they had available.
Would you consider doing a review of “Prayer of the Rollerboys” at some point? It’s dystopian AND has one of the Coreys after all.
Unfortunately a lot of the old videos hosted on Blip are going away. I think they are shutting down servers on the inevitable path to just shutting down the entire site. Episodes 1-36 might become “lost” episodes.
I am redoing a bunch of them, this time in HD! (since at the time when I did them, a bunch of were only available on VHS)
You mentioned Tex Murphy! I love you now! BTW, check out IMDB, he’s back for the new upcoming Tex Murphy game, if you didn’t know.
Hell yeah Tex Murphy! ^^
I’m super excited for Project Fedora. I really need to go back and play the old games, I have them in my GoG library.
Thanks for reviewing this! One f my favorite in the “It’s the 80’s…lets throw some martial artists together” series of films! Like you Cecil I grew up watching many of these movies either on late night cable or at my local Mom and Pop video store. One summer as a freshman in high school I think I ran through the entirety of every ninja movie released to that point that they had available.
Would you consider doing a review of “Prayer of the Rollerboys” at some point? It’s dystopian AND has one of the Coreys after all.
Definitely doing Prayer for the Rollerboys. Also, the “Rollerblade 7” films.
This episode is not playing! (:O
Unfortunately a lot of the old videos hosted on Blip are going away. I think they are shutting down servers on the inevitable path to just shutting down the entire site. Episodes 1-36 might become “lost” episodes.
I am redoing a bunch of them, this time in HD! (since at the time when I did them, a bunch of were only available on VHS)
That`s a damn shame, this is good stuff… (: )