News and Stuff Indeed
I got called away on a video shoot this weekend which when mixed with the late end of Arachnia means no time to have an ep this week. So, I’ll just funnel ahead with the goodness for next month…The 3rd annual Mainstream May! Mainstream May is when I take 4 “bigger” movies, usually box office […]
Arachnia – Episode 126
A classic, old school homage to the stop motion monster films of the 50s and 60s made in the 2000s.
Ugh Comment Spam
Just an FYI I added a new layer of spam blocker to get rid of these incredibly annoying spam bots that have been clogging up my in bin. (No, I don’t need a purse, knock off sunglasses, or a bigger penis) Anyway, the last time something like this happened it locked out all comments and […]
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