This will make some people happy
So what is it this week? It’s probably more obvious than last week.
Traxx with Special Guest Obscurus Lupa – Episode 132
In this very special episode Obscurus Lupa joins me to take a look at the bizarre action black comedy movie Traxx.
Good to be back
Ok, I just got my repaired video card in the post today so things are getting back to normal. I’m so happy to be back on my main machine. Like I said about the Surface, I love the thing but my rig is where all the power is. I practically hugged it. Anyway, here is […]
Deathstalker – Episode 131
At long last I finally get to the classic low budget sword and sorcery film Deathstalker.
Day 10 of waiting on my video card repairs. However, not being one to sit on my laurels, I figured I would look into a workaround. Seems that my Surface Pro can handle Premiere Pro and by mirroring it to my big monitor, I should be able to edit this week’s movie (DEATHSTALKER!) on it. […]
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