It’s Friday, Friday…
Well it looks like the remake of Friday the 13th won the vote. I’ve already watched the Blu-ray twice and wrote about 5 pages of notes. I’m going to be watching it a few more times while I script it out. The things I do for you people! Well, at least I get to see […]
If you need me I’ll be under here
Sorry folks, no new episode this week. A combination of projects and I lost my voice. Stupid weather. This is what happens when it is 60 degrees one day and snows the next. What planet is this?! I was hoping to have something else to put up this week in it’s place but that is […]
New Project? (Cast your vote on the sidebar)
This is actually something I have been toying with for a while. In the past few months I’ve received emails and messages from folks asking for a full commentary. Now, since this is a huge endeavor I would just like to know people would be interested. Here is what I aim to do. Here are […]
Teenage Caveman – Episode 84
A look at the often hated movie Teenage Caveman from controversial director Larry Clark. Starring Andrew Keegan and Tara Subkoff.
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